“Wellfleet, in Cape Cod, Massachusetts, has been considered home to one of the world’s greatest oyster beds for generations. Unlike other iconic oyster brands around the country, Wellfleet is not a corporation. The production region is comprised of hundreds of individual farms and family harvesters - out on the water every day, farming and hand-harvesting Oysters in hard-working New England tradition.
Brand Development + Logo Design
Part shell, part fingerprint, the brand mark aims to visually differentiate what make Wellfleets distinct from other oysters available on the market. As each individual oyster is nurtured and hand-harvested by a local Wellfleetian — some with a generations-deep connection to the region — a fingerprint pattern fills the uniquely identifiable shape of the species serving as the makers signature and stamp of quality.
Brand Guide
Business Cards
Photography Credit: Merrily Cassidy/Cape Cod Times + Island Creek Oysters